Trish Character History

歡迎來到CapcomTown「博物館」。這裡展示了DevilMayCry的Trish宣傳及廣告素材的圖像。,TrishisademoncreatedbyMunduswhostrangelyresemblesDante'smother,Eva.AfterhisdefeatbythehandsofDante,shelaterjoinedDevilMayCryand ...,TrishisacharacterinDevilMayCry,an...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Trish 宣傳及廣告素材| 圖像| Devil May Cry | 博物館

歡迎來到Capcom Town 「博物館」。這裡展示了Devil May Cry的Trish 宣傳及廣告素材的圖像。

Trish - Devil May Cry Wiki

Trish is a demon created by Mundus who strangely resembles Dante's mother, Eva. After his defeat by the hands of Dante, she later joined Devil May Cry and ...

Trish (Devil May Cry)

Trish is a character in Devil May Cry, an action-adventure game series by Japanese developer and publisher Capcom. She debuted in the first installment of ...

Trish | Capcom Database

Trish is a creation of the demon emperor Mundus in the image of Dante's deceased mother Eva. As a result of her demonic nature, she possesses several ... Appearance · Personality · Concept and creation · Devil May Cry

Trish (Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Devil May Cry)

Trish, who bears a great resemblance to Dante's deceased mother Eva, is a creation of Mundus. As a result of her demonic nature she ...

Dmc Trish Fanart

Discover Pinterest's best ideas and inspiration for Dmc trish fanart. Get inspired and try out new things. 167 people searched this. ·. Last updated 1d.

Trish 宣傳及廣告素材| 圖像| Devil May Cry 5 | 博物館

歡迎來到Capcom Town 「博物館」。這裡展示了Devil May Cry 5的Trish 宣傳及廣告素材的圖像。

Devil May Cry Trish Action Figure ToyCom Capcom

供應中 Item arrived in fantastic condition and was packaged extremely well, would absolutely recommend this seller if you are collector who is very particular about ...

Trish Character History - Capcom Vs. Legacy

two dmc characters down, one wacky woohoo pizza man to go #devilmaycry #fgc #marvelvscapcom Music List: ...

Why did lady and trish didn't got playable appearance in DMC5?

They were playable in DMC4:SE but Capcom developed them like i think a year or a bit more than a year. Basically it costs a decent amount of time/money.


歡迎來到CapcomTown「博物館」。這裡展示了DevilMayCry的Trish宣傳及廣告素材的圖像。,TrishisademoncreatedbyMunduswhostrangelyresemblesDante'smother,Eva.AfterhisdefeatbythehandsofDante,shelaterjoinedDevilMayCryand ...,TrishisacharacterinDevilMayCry,anaction-adventuregameseriesbyJapanesedeveloperandpublisherCapcom.Shedebutedinthefirstinstallmentof ...,TrishisacreationofthedemonemperorMundusintheimag...